We Are Family
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Advance the Truth, with Love

The world in which we live is in dire decay. Sin is running rampant not only in the world, but in the Church. It’s time for you, a child of God, to rise up with bold conviction, declaring the Truth of God to all within this dying world. 

But when we speak, God instructs us to speak the truth in love, which is non-negotiable. It is important that our speech contains both of those components: truth and love.

Truth without love is a nuisance. If we are proclaiming truth but not doing so in a loving way, we are just noise. We are just another voice in the echo chamber, stirring up dissent with no regard to the reaction. When we speak the truth, we need to do so out of love for the benefit of those who have been led astray. 

At the same time, love without truth is negligence. We live in a “you do you,” “live your truth” culture where we are told to accept and celebrate everyone’s personal choices without discretion. But if we allow someone who is actively barreling towards hell to continue in their ways without speaking up, how can we claim to love them? 

It's time to speak the Truth, but do it with love. 

And as you do…

You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Dale Campfield