We Are Family
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Celebrating Love Across Distances

Today marks our 43rd wedding anniversary, and my beloved bride and I find ourselves celebrating in a different way. In previous years, we would joyfully commemorate this special occasion side by side, wrapped in each other's loving embrace, expressing gratitude to God for uniting us as one in His eyes.

However, now we celebrate from a distance. The physical space between us may be significant, but our hearts remain intimately close, as connected as ever. The gap that separates us is not one of emotional detachment but rather the expanse between heaven and earth, where she resides with God while I remain on this earthly plane. My soul mourns our physical separation during this celebration, yet it simultaneously dances with elation, knowing that our hearts are forever intertwined!

Being apart from loved ones during life's celebratory moments can be incredibly challenging. Graduations, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries—they all bear the weight of physical distance. For some, it is the miles that keep us apart, while for others, it is the painful chasm of a fractured relationship.

Guard your relationships with utmost care. Cherish them. Celebrating from a distance may be difficult, but always strive to keep your hearts connected. And as you hold onto this truth...

You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Max Campfield