We Are Family
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We want to hear from you.

Check out one of our devos below. We would love to start up a conversation with you and encourage you and answer any questions you might have. Feel free to share it or like it as well, so others can be blessed!

One Person At A Time

G-d be glorified for His goodness that lasts forever! Thank you again and again for letting us have the opportunity to choose you and become part of your family. Your grace and mercy is extended to us everyday. Let us each ask G-d for Wisdom upon rising. Let us always be reminded of the work Jesus did on the cross. Such a sacrifice for all of humanity. He came for all mankind to be set free from sin and eternal death, and follow Him. His ministry on earth was to let people know about His Father's Kingdom. He told His disciples that if you have seen Me and what I do, and say, you have seen the Father. Jesus (Yeshua) is the Way the Truth and the life. Many falsely teach there is more than one way to G-d. That is false and the devil loves it when people fall for it. If you believe in the one True living G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and G-d's only Son sacrificing His life for yours, then you have the One true, living G-d. He is the only one that offers forgiveness of sins, eternal life with Him and the only G-d raised from the dead. And, you are given by Him, the right to choose or not choose Him. Yeshua's parting words to His disciples was and is still to go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel, so that all have the opportunity to come to Him. How do we do that? Reaching one person at a time.

We show our love to G-d by being obedient to Him. He commissioned us to go. He knows we can do this. So rebuke the spirit of fear and listen to the promptings of Holy Spirit. Let His love shine through you and be ready to share with others. People are looking for hope and real Truth. Jesus is the answer.

  • Judy Rusconi