We Are Family
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We want to hear from you.

Check out one of our devos below. We would love to start up a conversation with you and encourage you and answer any questions you might have. Feel free to share it or like it as well, so others can be blessed!

Jesus is There

Jeremiah 32:27 NIRV  “I am the Lord. I am the God of all people. Is anything too hard for me?”

THOUGHT:  Sometimes things in our life make us sad; sometimes things happen that we don’t like. But when we love Jesus and spend time with Him, He helps get through those hard things! Even when we are angry or sad, Jesus is there with us. Even when things seem too big or hard for us to take care of, Jesus is there to help. There is nothing too big for God! 

CHALLENGE:  Write a letter to God. Tell Him about some things that make you sad or angry. Ask Jesus to help you. Remember how much Jesus loves you and how strong He is. Jesus is stronger than any problem! Then tell God some cool things that you want to happen this year. Jesus loves to hear what you are thinking and feeling! Don’t forget to thank Him in your letter for taking care of you. After you are done with your letter, look around your house for something really strong! It could be a super hero toy, or a rock or even a picture of someone who loves you! Put your letter with the item you find and place them together in your room to remind you how strong Jesus is.

PRAYER:  “God, you are the perfect Dad! Sometimes things happen that make me sad. Will you help me to remember how much You love me and that You are always with me? I want to be happy with You, no matter what! Thank you! I want some cool things to happen this year, but I really want whatever YOU want! I want my life to go the way You want it. I always want to make You happy, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus. Help all of this to happen! Amen!"

  • Pastor Cazi Murvine