We Are Family
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We want to hear from you.

Check out one of our devos below. We would love to start up a conversation with you and encourage you and answer any questions you might have. Feel free to share it or like it as well, so others can be blessed!

Is God Worth Standing Up For?

Think about the Apostle Peter. One of Jesus’ right hands guys! In Matthew 16, Peter confessed that Jesus was the Messiah, but then later, when being pressed, he said he didn’t even know Jesus! Three times! When the pressure was on, he denied his friend, his mentor, his God. 

When the pressure is on, when you are pressed by others, to you confess your relationship with God freely, or do you clammer around with your speech, attempting to hide the fact that God is the source of your life?

If you do, then quite possibly God is not truly the source of your life, but only that of a convenient relationship to which You go to Him in times of trouble to rescue you. You worship Him on Sunday’s, but when Monday rolls around, He is only that of a whisper in your conversations with others.

It’s time to stand up for God, at all times; the good, the bad, and the ugly ones too.

And as you do…

You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Dale Campfield