We Are Family
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Memorial Day Thoughts

This weekend in the United States, we will be remembering those who gave their lives in the armed forces, so as citizens of this great country we might enjoy the privileges of freedom we have today. We also hold dear all our loved ones who have passed away, whose memories we cherish every day.

We remember their laughter, their love, and their grace. We will never forget the light they brought to our lives, their unique embrace of joy with each hug and their voice of strength in the midst of life’s journey. 

We recall their stories, their achievements, and their dreams. Their legacy of life will forever be forged in the deep recesses of our souls, a love that will forever be a flame within our hearts.

Though they may not be walking beside us on this earth, their hearts remain with us, their love will never chill. We remember them with joy and with tears; and with thankfulness for the love they shared and memories throughout the years.

May the strength of God be upon you during this season of your lives. May you find great comfort in knowing that God’s presence is with you, embracing you with mighty doses of love.

God loves you.

You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Dale Campfield