We Are Family
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Preserving the Freedom to Worship: A Fragile State

In the United States, we are fortunate to live in a nation that upholds the freedom to worship and express our faith, a privilege for which we should always remain grateful. The ability to worship freely is a cherished aspect of our society, especially considering that countless countries around the world restrict or forbid public worship.

Yet, as I observe the state of our American Christian values, I cannot ignore the gradual erosion and encroachment upon our freedom to worship. The values that once defined our nation seem to have diminished over the years, giving way to lawlessness, control, and a devaluation of our fundamental right to worship.

Should we ever find ourselves in a position where public worship becomes impossible or restricted according to our preferences, will we cease to worship? Absolutely not. True worship transcends physical locations and limitations; it resides within the depths of our hearts as an intimate connection with God. No external force can ever take that away.

You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Dale Campfield