We Are Family
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Put the Lawnmower Aside!

If you're fortunate enough to have a yard attached to your home, you understand the recurring task of carving out time each week to trim the grass, prune the bushes, and tidy the driveway. Yard work seems to be a never-ending chore.

But what if you skip it for a week? Probably nothing drastic will happen. The grass won't grow significantly longer, the shrubs will maintain their shape, and the driveway will look just as it always does.

Now, what if you miss two or three weeks? Trouble starts brewing! The grass becomes unruly and thick, transforming your yard into an unsightly sight for the entire neighborhood. Suddenly, guilt seeps in, and you find yourself avoiding your neighbors, fearing their judgment.

The same principle applies to our relationship with God. If we neglect to nurture a consistent connection with Him, we gradually become overwhelmed by the concerns of the world, isolating ourselves and missing out on meaningful relationships with God and others.

Just as you tend to your yard, remember to cultivate and maintain your relationship with God. And as you do so...

You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Dale Campfield