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The Devil Has Memorized the Bible

With as long as he’s been around, I have no doubt that the devil has the Bible memorized. But does he really know what it says? I don’t think so. He can’t truly “know” what it says, for he is pure evil and cannot comprehend the majesty of Truth’s expressed in God’s Word. 

Do you read the Bible? Great! But do you “know” what it really says? Do you have spiritual eyes to actually “know” what it is saying, or are the words simply that, words? 

Before you read your Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart, that you might truly “know” what God is speaking to you through it. You may have read that particular scripture many times, but this time, it just might come ALIVE from within you!

It is God’s TRUTH that will set you free. Open your eyes to that Truth, and then walk with great freedom!

And as you do…

You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Dale Campfield